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Hungarian Odyssey: Tips & Treasures

Hungarian Odyssey: Tips & Treasures

Top-Rated Attractions

As a traveler, I have been lucky enough to explore countless countries, but Hungary holds a special place. This country in the heart of Europe is filled with rich history, stunning architecture, and heady nightlife. It is a place where the charm of the old world is easily combined with modern amenities, making it a must-visit for any traveler. From mesmerizing castles steeped in history to lively dive bars full of life, there is something for everyone here.

Explore Gyor

Gyor travelers in Hungary, are truly a treasure! Located in the northwestern part of the country, this city is a delightful combination of Baroque architecture and vibrant urban life. From the stunning Bishop’s Castle to the tranquil thermal baths and the Raba Quelle Spa, Girl has a little bit of everything. So, grab your map and join me as we wander through the winding streets of this charming city.

Discover the Hortobagy National Park

It’s not just a park; it’s a journey through time, telling stories about the Magyars and their Ottoman period. One moment you are watching the sunset over Castle Hill, and the next you are exploring the largest Protestant church steeped in ancient Magyar history. The park reminded me of Carl Austin’s words from his famous “Top Ten” guidebooks: “Every step is a story that awaits its development.” From Stefan to Magyar, there is something to tell on every corner. Don’t miss a visit to Aggtelek National Park, another gem in Hungary’s treasure trove. Trust me, you won’t forget this adventure!

Discover Debrecen

My journey took me to Debrecen, Hungary’s second-largest city and cultural center. It was here that I got lost in the rich interweaving of history and the dynamism of modern life. I admired the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Castle Hill, strolling along the banks of the Danube, and feeling the pulse of the magnificent capital of Hungary. Trust me, visiting Debrecen will add a wonderful chapter to your travel guide!

Discover Heviz

The city perfectly conveys the charm of this European country. Imagine that you are cycling along the bike path along the Danube, the wind is blowing your hair, and the impressive Buda Castle is visible in the background. This is Heviz for you! Don’t forget to explore the splendor of the Hungarian Parliament building, an architectural marvel that will thrill you. And if history is your thing, then Eger Castle is definitely worth a visit. Believe me, a trip to Heviz is a journey through the heart of Hungary, full of history, culture, and stunning views.

Lake Heviz: Hungary’s Thermal Wonderland

I have discovered many wonders, but none of them can compare to Lake Heviz in Hungary. A thermal miracle, this is the largest thermal lake in the world, suitable for swimming, second only to the New Zealand Lake Skovoroda. Bathing in its warm waters is a rejuvenating experience that dates back to Roman times. Its healing properties, thanks to minerals such as calcium, provide a unique wellness experience. After a relaxing swim, I went to nearby party towns to experience the vibrant nightlife.

Getting to know Aggtelek National Park

My heart, as a devoted researcher, was conquered by the Aggtelek National Park, located in the north of Hungary. Imagine that you are wandering through a park filled with unique natural and cultural values, and the beautiful Danube River flows nearby. Castle Hill, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a sight worth seeing. Watching the magnificent capital of Hungary from afar was an unforgettable experience. Visit Aggtelek National Park, it’s an adventure you won’t regret!


Мy compass led me to the enchanting city of Pecs. Nestled in eastern Hungary, the city brims with history and beauty. My journey began with a visit to the sprawling Nagyerdo city park, moved towards the breathtaking Tokaj town, and ended at the shores of the aforementioned Lake Balaton. The Magyar Danube, a sight for sore eyes, flowed serenely nearby. I was especially intrigued by the tales of King Matthias, the Slavic King Matthias Corvinus, and the Mongol Hordes. And, the great Deri Museum? Absolutely unmissable!


Nestled in the heart of Hungary, this European country’s rich history and culture come alive here. Biking along Hungary’s Great Plain with the beautiful Danube River flowing by was a sight to behold. Castle Hill, a testament to Hungary’s architectural prowess, left me breathless. But it was Eger Castle that truly stole my heart. Then there was Aggtelek National Park, home to some of Hungary’s largest natural wonders. Take it from a seasoned wanderer, Sopron is a treasure chest waiting to be discovered. So pack your bags, let’s unravel Sopron together!

Charting Eger

Located in the heart of Hungary, Eger’s appeal is undeniable. From the remnants of the Mongol Hordes to the serene waters of the aforementioned Lake Balaton, every corner of Eger tells a story. My personal favorite was the sprawling Nagyerdo city park, a verdant oasis in the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you’re a history buff, a nature lover, or simply a traveler seeking new adventures, Eger has something for everyone. So join me on this journey, and let’s discover the magic of Eger together!

Lake Balaton

As a passionate explorer, the allure of Lake Balaton in Hungary was too enticing to resist. My heart still flutters at the memory of overlooking the Danube River, a sight that’s etched in my mind. The Baradla Cave, a hidden gem in the Hungary countryside, left me awestruck with its magnificent stalactites. My journey also led me to the Hungarian Open Air Museum, a living testament to Hungary’s rich history and culture. Each step I took painted a vivid picture of Hungary’s mesmerizing beauty. So, fellow adventurers, let’s embark on this journey and uncover the wonders of Lake Balaton together!

Budapest: A traveler’s map in the heart of Hungary

For me, Budapest was more than just a stop on my itinerary. It was a journey back in time to the era of the Magyars and their Ottoman rulers, an era that left its indelible mark on this vibrant city. Each walk along the Magyar Danube was like turning over the pages of a living history book, where each landmark tells its own story.
My heart still beats fast at the memory of my visit to the old Magyar quarters, which testify to the rich cultural heritage of Budapest. My reliable travel guides have been my companions throughout this journey, guiding me through the labyrinths of the city’s streets and introducing me to its hidden gems. Budapest was not just a city for me, it was a treasure trove of impressions waiting to be discovered.

Majestic Buda Castle in the heart of Budapest

Located at the top of Castle Hill, this fortress palace has witnessed a centuries-old history, starting with the Mongol hordes and ending with the modern era. Its stone walls hold tales of strength and resistance, while its galleries give a glimpse of Hungary’s artistic genius.
The Hungarian Parliament Building
I have seen many wonders, but the architectural gem of Budapest, the Hungarian Parliament building, stands alone. Modeled after the genius Imre Steindl, this neo-Gothic wonder has been towering since 1902, making it the largest building in Hungary.
The real highlight was the Parliament building, its imposing facade was decorated with eighty-eight statues of Hungarian rulers, pointed arcades, numerous gargoyles, spires, and Gothic ornaments. Walking through the city park, I couldn’t help but admire the view of this iconic building overlooking the Danube River.

Unveiling Esztergom

Nestled in the heart of Hungary, this city is an art lover’s paradise. The artworks include Hungary’s rich history and cultural diversity, each piece telling a fascinating tale. My journey took me to the iconic Hungarian Parliament Building, an architectural marvel that left me awestruck. Its grandeur was matched only by the stories it held within its walls. Every corner of Esztergom offered a new experience, a new story, and a new memory. So come along, fellow adventurers, let’s explore the charm of Esztergom together!


A szokatlan Szentendre Város Magyarországon kellemes meglepetés volt. A bájos macskaköves utcák, a világos házak és a barátságos helyiek úgy érezték, mintha egy rejtett gyöngyszemre botlottam volna. A Várhegy mentén tett séta önmagában is kaland volt, lélegzetelállító panorámával a Dunára. Szentendrének minden zugában volt valami mondanivalója, valami, amit az emlékezetében hagyott.

Thani: A traveler’s date with tranquility

Tihany in Hungary holds a special place in my heart. This charming village, located on a peninsula jutting into Lake Balaton, is the epitome of tranquility. Narrow winding streets lined with traditional houses lead to the heart of the village, where Castle Hill rises, steeped in history and offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. This sight makes the climb worth every step. The serenity of Tihani stands in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of urban life, making it an ideal place for those who seek peace and quiet. So, fellow explorers, let’s go on this journey together and discover the hidden charm of Tihani!

Tokaj: A Traveler’s Wine Haven

Tokaj in Hungary is one such gem. Nestled amidst vineyards, this town is renowned for its wine, making it Hungary’s largest wine region. Every sip tells a story of the region’s rich heritage. But the charm of Tokaj doesn’t end there. My journey led me to the historic Eger Castle, a testament to Hungary’s turbulent past. The castle overlooks the city, offering breathtaking views that are hard to forget. I also ventured into Aggtelek National Park, a natural wonder nestled in this European country.

Sopron: The dream place of a traveling traveler

Sopron in the north of Hungary stands alone. I remember climbing Castle Hill, where the breathtaking panorama of the Danube River left me speechless. Steeped in the history of World War II, this city is a treasure trove of architectural wonders. One of the highlights was a visit to the largest Protestant church in the country – evidence of Sopron’s rich cultural heritage. The nearby national park offered a refreshing break from the urban landscape. So, fellow travelers, add Sopron to your “Top Ten” and let’s explore this fascinating city together!

Visegrad: A Traveler’s Stroll Through History

Visegrad in Hungary is truly special. Just north of bustling Budapest, this castle town perched on the right bank of the Magyar Danube is a history lover’s paradise. The echoes of King Matthias, the great Slavic King Matthias Corvinus, can still be heard in the winding stone corridors of the castle. My journey took me from eastern Hungary’s Tokaj town to the vast expanse of the Great Hungarian Plains. I even made a detour to the great Deri Museum, a cultural marvel nestled in the heart of the country. So, fellow travelers, join me as we uncover the historical splendors of Visegrad!

Koszeg: The Hidden Pearl in the heart of Hungary

This quaint town, tucked away near the Austrian border, is a delightful combination of history, culture, and natural beauty. Strolling through the cobbled streets of Koszeg, you seem to go back in time, charming medieval buildings are waiting for you at every corner. The quiet Jurisic Square, the heart of the city, is an ideal place to relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere. From the stunning castle to the picturesque scenery surrounding it, Kotov offers an authentic Hungarian experience.

Aggtelek: Hungary’s Underground Wonder

Located in rural Hungary, this village is famous for the Baradla Cave, a maze of stalactite caves that stretch as far as the eye can see. Traveling through the cave is like visiting an underground art gallery, where the artworks include the geological history of Hungary, carved in stone. After coming to the surface, I ventured to visit the Hungarian Open-air Museum, a cultural treasure overlooking the Danube River. The view of the Hungarian Parliament building from there, coupled with the serene statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was simply breathtaking.

Holloko: Timeless village in the heart of Hungary

This UNESCO World Heritage Site, a living testimony to the ancient Magyar culture, seems to have fallen into a historical picture. The ruins of the 13th-century castle offer panoramic views of the local gardens and vineyards, reminiscent of the Great Hungarian Plains. My trip continued with a visit to Lake Balaton and the Museum of the great Deri, both of which are rich in stories about the Slavic king Matthias Corvinus. So, fellow adventurers, join me on this exciting journey to Holloko!

The Majestic Waterway of Europe: The Danube River

This majestic waterway, the second longest in Europe, unravels the true beauty of Hungary as it flows through its heartlands. One can’t help but be awestruck by the vast expanse of the Great Hungarian Plains that stretch out as far as the eye can see.
So, fellow globetrotters, join me on this remarkable journey along the Danube!

Digging up the underground wonders of Lillafured

Located among the Book Mountains, Lillafured is a treasure trove of natural beauty, with over a thousand caves awaiting exploration. The stalactite cave of St. Stephen was an impressive sight, its frozen waterfall of stalactite formations struck me in awe. Anna’s Cave with preserved plant fossils offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. My journey would not have been complete without visiting the Cave of Rustle, a treasure trove of Paleolithic relics.

Untouched wildlife of the Hortobagy National Park

This 800 km2 park is located in the eastern part of the country, away from the bustling city life.
My adventure began when I set foot on the vast plains and wetlands of the park, Hungary’s largest and oldest national park. The landscape was a breathtaking tapestry of nature’s finest creations, rich in folklore and cultural history. It was a surreal experience to walk along the ancient salt routes of Pushta, the birthplace of Hungary’s famous blue horsemen.
The charm of this place was added by the wildlife that thrives here. From the majestic great bustard to the elusive European ground squirrel, every encounter with which was exciting.
Hortobad National Park is not just a UNESCO World Heritage Site; it is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

A walk into the past through the Hungarian Open-air Museum

During my recent trip to Hungary, I discovered such a place just 20 km from the capital Budapest – the Hungarian Open-Air Museum.
Getting into this open-air museum was like going back in time. Founded in 1967, it is the largest open-air collection in Hungary, presenting a vivid picture of the country’s vernacular architecture and lifestyle. Located at the foot of the Polish Mountains, the museum stretches over an area of more than 60 hectares, accommodating more than 300 different structures combined into eight regional divisions. From quaint farmhouses to historic churches, every corner of this place echoes the stories of the past.

The regal splendor of the Visegrad Royal Palace

The Visegrad Royal Palace in Hungary has a unique charm. Located on a hilltop overlooking the bend of the Danube, it is a place where history and natural beauty are intertwined.
When I set foot on the palace grounds, I was transported back to the 14th century. Formerly the summer residence of King Charles Robert of Anjou, the palace is a remarkable testament to Hungary’s royal past. Every stone, every arch seemed to whisper stories of greatness and glory.
The panoramic views from the palace were breathtaking. The mighty Danube River winding through the lush landscape below was a worthy sight. I spent hours exploring the vast territory of the palace, every corner of which revealed a new facet of its rich history.
In conclusion, the Royal Visegrad Palace is a must-visit for every traveler seeking to experience the historical charm of Hungary.

The best places to visit near Hungary

One of my personal favorites is the impressive Buda Castle, located on Castle Hill, a sight that never ceases to fascinate me with its grandeur.
Another experience that I highly recommend is a bike ride along the bike path along the Danube. It is here that you can see the beautiful Danube River flowing through the Hungarian Great Plain, one of the largest geographical sites in Hungary. The panorama is simply breathtaking!
Heading east, Eger Castle beckons with its rich history and stunning views. It was here that I really felt the spirit of this vibrant country.
But the real jewel in the crown of Hungary for me is the Aggtelek National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a paradise for nature lovers like me. Its unique karst landscape and extensive cave network are truly awe-inspiring.

Travel Tips

Hungary is an amazing country with a rich history, great cuisine, and picturesque landscapes. If you are planning to visit this European country, here are some useful tips to help you enjoy your trip to the maximum.


Hungary is a great place to visit at any time of the year, but there are certain periods when traveling can be especially enjoyable. According to sources, the best time to visit Hungary is in the summer months, from May to September. During this period, the weather is usually warm, and you can enjoy the many festivals and events that take place at this time of the year.
However, do not forget about other seasons. Spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November) are also good times to visit Hungary. At this time, the weather is usually mild, and the tourist attractions are less crowded. As always, the timing of the visit depends on your preferences and interests. Hungary is always ready to welcome you with hospitality, regardless of the time of year.


Public transport in Hungary is represented by a variety of types, including buses, trolleybuses, trams, subways, and commuter trains. It is a convenient and affordable means of moving around the country, which allows you to see the sights and get acquainted with the culture of Hungary.
In Budapest, the capital of Hungary, the public transport system is well developed. Here you can use the metro, trams, buses, and trolleybuses to get around the city and its surroundings. Tickets for public transport can be purchased at the kiosks of the VKK (Budapest Public Transport Center), ticket machines, or even in the subway.
There is also a well-developed public transport network outside Budapest. In other Hungarian cities such as Debrecen, Szeged, and Miskolc, you can use buses, trolleybuses, and trams to explore these unique places. When planning a trip to Hungary, pay attention to the schedule and fares for public transport. There are often certain types of tickets, both single-use and reusable, which can be beneficial for long-term stays. Public transport in Hungary is a great way to travel around the country, which will help you explore the sights, enjoy the beauty of nature, and get to know the very atmosphere of this amazing country.


In Hungary, there is a wide range of types of tourist accommodation that can meet the different needs and preferences of travelers. Some of them include:
Hotels: In Hungary, you will find hotels of different categories – from budget hotels and hostels to luxury hotels and boutique hotels. The choice depends on your budget and preferences in terms of comfort and service.
Apartments: Apartment rentals are a popular accommodation option for tourists, especially for those who prefer more space and independence. Hungary offers a variety of apartments for short or long-term rentals.
Private houses and cottages: Another option is to rent private houses and cottages, especially in rural areas of Hungary. It is an ideal choice for those who are looking for privacy and proximity to nature. Guest houses and guest houses: Hungary also offers many guest houses and guest houses where you can stay and enjoy the homely atmosphere and hospitality of the locals.
Campsites and caravan parks: For lovers of outdoor activities and nature in Hungary, there are also campsites and caravan parks where you can stay with a tent, motorhome, or camper.
It is important to note that the accommodation options and their availability may depend on a particular region and time of year. When choosing a tourist accommodation in Hungary, it is recommended to use online platforms such as Airbnb,, and others to find a suitable option according to your needs.


Hungarian cuisine is known for its abundant and delicious dishes, which demonstrate a unique combination of influences from different cultures. Here are some typical Hungarian dishes:
Gulyás: This is perhaps the most famous Hungarian dish. Goulash is a hearty hot soup made from beef, vegetables, onions, potatoes, and paprika. It is usually served with bread.
Fishermanskaya yushka (Halászlé): This is a traditional Hungarian fish soup, especially from river fish. It has a bright red color and a pungent taste.
Chicken Paprika (Chicken Paprikash): Chicken paprika is a dish of chicken pieces stewed in paprika, onion, and sour cream. It is usually served with noodles or mashed potatoes.
Langos: Langos is a popular street food, which is a wheat dough fried in oil, and usually sprinkled with cheese, sour cream, or garlic.
Slyudyanka (Töltött káposzta): Slyudyanka is cabbage rolls filled with minced pork or beef, rice, and spices. They are usually stewed in tomato sauce and served with sour cream.
Somle (Somlói Galuska): Somle is a traditional dessert consisting of layers of cupcake, vanilla sauce, chocolate sauce, and walnuts. It is often decorated with whipped cream.
These are just some of the many dishes of Hungarian cuisine. Each of them has its own uniqueness and represents Hungarian culture and traditions.

Currency and expenses

The Hungarian currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF). Previously, it was divided into 100 fillers, but the fillers’ coins are no longer in circulation.
Approximate expenses in Hungary may vary depending on the budget and preferences of the traveler. Here are the approximate prices for some services and goods:
Food: The cost of food in Hungary may vary depending on where you buy it. For example, prices in supermarkets are usually lower than in restaurants or cafes. The average cost of lunch in a restaurant can be about 2000-5000 HUF (6-15 USD).
Accommodation: The cost of living in Hungary may also vary. In Budapest, the capital of the country, hotel prices start from about 8000 HUF (25 USD) per night in economy hotels and reach more than 30,000 HUF (90 USD) in more luxurious options.
Transportation: A ticket for public transport in Budapest costs about 350 HUF (1 USD). A taxi is also available, the approximate cost of a taxi ride is 300 HUF (1 USD) per kilometer.
Attractions: Entrance tickets to museums and attractions can cost from 1000 HUF (3 USD) to 5000 HUF (15 USD), depending on the specific location.
These are just approximate prices, and they may vary depending on the accommodation option, season, and other factors. It is recommended to have both cash and bank cards with you for easy payment.

In conclusion, Hungary offers a variety of experiences that will suit any traveler. So pack your bags and join me on this incredible journey!

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