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19 tips for travelers in Belgium

19 tips for travelers in Belgium

Belgium is a country of enchanting beauty and cultural splendor, mesmerizing landscapes, and culinary delights. Cobbled streets echo stories, medieval architecture rises as a testament to time, and the aroma of freshly baked waffles hovers in the air, creating a symphony for the senses. Hidden in the heart of Europe, with its vibrant cities such as Brussels and Antwerp, quaint towns such as Bruges and Ghent, and the verdant Ardennes, this gem offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that will appeal to any type of traveler.
Going on a trip to Belgium is like getting into a vivid picture. From the cobbled streets of Bruges to the bustling urban life of Brussels, there is something unique in every corner of Belgium. Just a short personal account of my favorite Belgian attractions, packed in a neat little package.

Top 5 things to see and do in Belgium

One of my favorite stops was the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels. It’s not just a museum; it’s a time capsule that houses masterpieces from the Middle Ages to the present day. The cost of admission may vary, but, as a rule, you get about 10-13 euros depending on the exhibitions. Trust me, it’s worth every cent.Then head to Hoge Kempen National Park. Imagine a place where nature and history intertwine, creating a breathtaking tapestry of scenic beauty. It is an oasis of tranquility that offers a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.Now, if you are backpacking in Belgium, do not miss the opportunity to explore the historical cities. From the Gothic architecture in Ghent to the medieval charm of Bruges, every city is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. And what’s the best part? They are easy to navigate. The compact size of Belgium allows you to visit several cities in one trip.And finally, treat yourself to the culinary delights of Belgium. Belgian waffles, chocolate, and French fries are famous all over the world, but you will have to discover much more. Every dish – from hearty stews to delicate pastries – is a testament to Belgium’s rich culinary heritage.

Going on my journey through Belgium, I found myself in the picturesque city of Bruges. a delightful surprise. Among the delightful surprises was an event that became the highlight of my trip – a beer tasting in Bruges. With each sip, I tasted not only hops and barley but also centuries-old traditions and craftsmanship. The beer experience in Bruges is not just a beer tasting; it is an immersion into the quintessence of Belgian culture.

What else is worth seeing and doing in Belgium

Hoge Kempen National Park, located in the province of Limburg, is one of these gems. This unique nature reserve extends over more than 12,000 hectares of managed and protected forests and moorlands, serving as a refuge for many rare and exceptional wildlife.
When traveling through the historical cities of Belgium, do not miss the Grand Place in Brussels, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This iconic square, with its luxurious guild buildings and stunning town hall, is a testament to Belgium’s rich architectural heritage.

The cost of a trip to Belgium

The cost of a trip here can vary significantly depending on your travel style and preferences. On average, a week-long trip to Belgium can cost about $1,082 per person and $2,164 for two. This includes accommodation, meals, and local transportation. If you plan to fly by plane, the cost of round-trip tickets can range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the season and your departure location. For those on a tight budget, cooking at your Airbnb or hostel can help cut costs significantly. You can spend as little as 12 euros a day or even less, depending on how much you eat and what you buy. However, keep in mind that taxis in Belgium can be quite expensive, in some places trips around the city often cost more than 25 euros. But don’t worry, the public transport system is efficient and much more affordable. Visit free attractions: Many museums and attractions are free to enter on certain days of the month.

Proposed travel budgets for Belgium

Hiking in Belgium is an adventure that doesn’t necessarily have to break the bank. If you travel around Belgium with a backpack, you can expect to spend about 60 euros per day. This budget covers accommodation in a hostel, cooking most meals, and travel by public transport.
The cost of accommodation may vary: in some places, the cost of hostels is about 20-30 euros per night, and in hotels – on average about $ 100 per night.
Belgium is a place that is suitable for all types of travelers.

Where to stay in Belgium

While in Belgium, consider staying near key attractions such as the World Heritage-listed Grand Place or near natural sanctuaries such as the Hoge Kempen National Park. This will not only improve your experience but also reduce transportation costs.

How to get around Belgium

The country’s efficient public transport system, including trains, trams, and buses, makes it easy to explore its historic cities and key attractions such as the Royal Museum of Fine Arts.

When to go to Belgium

Belgium’s temperate climate makes it a place for year-round living. However, the best time to visit is from April to October, when the weather is usually warm and dry. This period also coincides with many colorful festivals and events in the country.
It is easy to navigate the historical cities of Belgium at this time, as the days are longer, which gives more time for sightseeing. The country’s efficient public transport system also makes trips between cities fast and uncomplicated.

How to stay safe in Belgium

Belgium is generally a safe place to visit. However, as in any other tourist destination, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take the necessary precautions. When traveling through the historical cities of Belgium, keep an eye on your belongings to prevent pickpocketing. It is also recommended to avoid less crowded places late at night. If you plan to visit nature reserves such as Hoge Kempen National Park, be sure to follow the marked routes and be aware of the local wildlife. It’s always a good idea to tell someone about your plans before you hit the road.
In case of an emergency, the general emergency number in Belgium is 112. Remember, your safety is above all, so always give it priority when traveling.

Belgium Travel Guide: The Best ticket booking resources

When planning a trip to Belgium, it is best to use reliable ticket booking resources to make the trip go smoothly. Websites such as and Airbnb, offer a wide range of accommodations, from inexpensive hostels priced around 20 euros per night in some places to luxury hotels located near UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition, Skyscanner and Expedia can help you find the best deals for flights to this charming European country. Remember, Belgium is a place that is suitable for travelers of any type and with any budget.

The discovery of Mons: the Belgian Pearl

In my travels, I have found that the whisper of the North Sea leads me to the heart of Belgium – Mons, a city that celebrates the grandiose Flemish charm. This is the Grote Markt, a beautiful European square, framed by rows of low country townhouses. Visiting the Museum of the Fields of Flanders, we learned the stories of sobering war memorials. But the jewel of this visit was the Grand Place, pulsating with life in the middle of this historic port city. Truly, Mons is a must-visit place in Belgium for every wandering soul.
The capital, Brussels, is the epicenter of culture and diversity, home not only to excellent museums but also to a mix of cuisines, languages, and traditions. With every step, at every turn, Belgium reveals a new facet, a new story, inviting me to dive deeper into its bright, multifaceted soul.

Getting to know Dinan: A visual guide

Dinant, a picturesque town in Belgium, holds a special place in my heart. Once in Dinant, it is as if you find yourself in a fairy tale with its Celtic history and divine valleys that live up to its name. The impressive cliffs of the city, the sparkling Meuse River, and the historic Furfuz Park are just some of the wonders that make Dinan a charming place.

Discovering Leuven: Belgium’s vibrant university city

As the capital of the Flemish province of Brabant, this city boasts attractions that are a testament to its rich history and vibrant culture. Levin’s rhythm, formed by students, gives the city a lively atmosphere. The Old University of Burgundy, one of the oldest in Europe, is a beacon of knowledge and prestige. Spacious squares with shops, cafes, and impressive university buildings add even more charm to the city. Levin, with its history, culture, and youth flavor, is an excellent choice for travelers.

Introducing the Tour: the ancient wonder of Belgium

Tournai, one of the oldest cities in Belgium, is a treasure trove of history and culture. Walking through its streets, I was transported back in time, feeling the weight of more than 2,000 years of the city’s history. The grandeur of Notre Dame Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its five tall spires piercing the sky, took my breath away. The charm of the city, its history, and its proximity to France make it an incredible place to visit.

The Magic of Mechelen: The Hidden Gem of Belgium

Mechelen, located between Brussels and Antwerp. A city that is replete with Brabant Gothic architecture, historical sites, and a lively marketplace where life is in full swing. The grandeur of St. Rumbold’s Cathedral took my breath away. Tourists will find many museums dedicated to the rich history and art of Belgium. A boat trip along the canal allowed you to see the numerous historical buildings of the guilds of the city. Every day in Mechelen was like turning a page in a living history book.

Ardennes: The Green Heart of the European Lowlands

Virgin forests and gentle hills were a pleasant contrast to the bustle of the city. Here, time seemed to slow down as I walked along the serene trails, discovering hidden waterfalls and ancient castles along the way. The tranquil beauty of the Ardennes has opened a unique window into the wonders of Belgium’s nature.

Antwerp: The Sparkling Jewel of Belgium

Antwerp is a paradise for both art lovers and history lovers. The city is dotted with numerous beautiful museums dedicated to various aspects of Belgian culture, but the real gem is the city itself. From the majestic citadel of Namur, majestically towering over the Meuse River, to the charming town of Mons, comfortably located in the Wallonia region, and the historic Lake Lakenhalle of Ypres, every corner of Antwerp tells its own story.

The splendor of Ghent: canals, castles and cathedrals

The splendor of Ghent is a sight worth seeing. This Belgian city with its long canals, majestic castles, and awe-inspiring cathedrals has captured my heart. One of my dearest memories is a boat trip along the canal. Towering castles, standing like silent guardians of the past, and magnificent cathedrals with their intricate architecture are perfectly reflected in the emerald waters of the canal. Ghent was more than just a city; it was a living, breathing history and culture.

Bruges: A Belgian masterpiece

The city was full of history, every corner whispered stories about the past. I was attracted to the Church of Notre Dame, an architectural marvel towering in the middle of the urban landscape. Bruges, however, was not only a historical city. It was also a city of art where the masterpieces of great artists such as Van Gogh were kept. Each painting was a window into another world, into another era. The city boasts places that are a feast for the senses – from serene canals reflecting the beauty of the city to lively market squares filled with the aroma of Belgian waffles and chocolate.

The exquisite valley of the Meuse

The river, the life-giving Vienna, flowing through the heart of Belgium, was a worthy sight. The valley was dotted with good museums and historical sites, each of which held stories about the past. The Meuse Valley is not only a story. It was also a place of natural beauty. The lush landscapes, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, were a feast for the eyes. This trip through the Meuse Valley was the highlight of my trip to Belgium.

Echoes of Flanders: memorials and battlefields

Flanders was more than just an interesting city; it was a testament to human resilience. Each memorial stood as a silent tribute to the past, evoking in me a sense of awe. The battlefields, quiet and serene, whispered stories of bravery and self-sacrifice. Every moment I spent in Flanders made me more enriched, more connected to the past, and more grateful for the world that we often take for granted.

The lively city of Leuven

The downpour was a living, breathing formation with its personality. From a prestigious university to historical landmarks, every aspect of the city speaks eloquently about its past and present. I left the city not only with photos and souvenirs but also with memories that will last a lifetime.

Exploring the natural environment of Belgium: Hoge Kempen National Park

The park’s lush forest and lively wastelands stretched as far as the eye could see, offering a peaceful retreat from the bustling city.The historic port city nearby was no less charming, with the Meuse River flowing smoothly through it. The main square of the city, the Market Square, was a lively hub of activity, reflecting the vibrant spirit of Belgium. Nevertheless, I was captivated by the Museum of Art and History, which tells stories about Belgium’s rich past. This trip through Belgium was truly a treasure trove of impressions.


Ah, Belgium, is a tapestry of history, culture, and gastronomy woven together in a beautiful European setting. But take your time – take the time to immerse yourself in the atmosphere, taste the local cuisine, and maybe even enjoy a Belgian beer in a traditional glass. First of all, remember that traveling through Belgium is more than just sightseeing, it’s creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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